Hope That Soars

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Back-to-school in our home is unique, with it comes varied emotions.  Some years bring excitement for loved ones, yet others trigger periods of grief - full of “what if’s,” and broken dreams. 

This year, as we strive to develop a growth-mindset, God is prompting a challenge in the midst of “what if.”

While I can’t speak words of wisdom to every reader, because I’ve journeyed a different path; I pray this message encourages someone today.

Fear, anticipation, pride, worry, joy, excitement and so on can be read on nearly every parent’s page on my social media feed. 

Coupled with the emotions of the students and teachers, I wonder if perhaps the common denominator at every life stage and experience is HOPE.

Hope that your child will succeed and find a place where they belong.

Hope for understanding as challenges present themselves.

Hope that every student will be seen, heard, and respected while in a teacher's care.

Hope that someone will understand the depth of emotion you’re experiencing.

Each parenting “rite of passage” signals a beginning and an ending. New opportunities arise and a deeper level of maturity is required as you navigate each one.

But what if…

What if we take it upon ourselves to promote encouragement and compassion at every stage?

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

(John 13:34)

What if… every parent of a kindergartener is met by ones who have walked this route before.

What if… every anxious student is embraced by someone who understands.

What if…  every seasoned empty-nester created a haven for those enduring the deafening silence.

What if… every older student is challenged to take a new kid under their wing.

What if… every grieving parent is remembered during this difficult time of year.

What if… every group of mom’s who meet to debrief the new year, would pause and look around for whom they may include.

What if… every grandparent repeating this journey is met with grace and a helping hand.

What if… every teacher is regularly encouraged for the role they play in your child’s life.

What if…  every working parent is confident of their child’s safety in their absence from the home.

What if… every college student is met by a recent graduate to show them life beyond the classroom.

What if… every single parent finds acceptance among their peers in the difficult moments they endure.

What if… every child has a clean slate with the beginning of each life stage.

The list could go on forever, but the point remains the same.

What if… we took a moment today, this month, or year to reach out to individuals in our sphere. A text, call, card, or a prayer can go a long way in showing we care.

Because chances are someone you know is currently experiencing a parenting “rite of passage” that you have navigated. 

And your knowledge has the potential to bring immeasurable encouragement and blessing into their lives.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.. encouraging one another.”

 (Hebrews 10:24-25)

As “the church,” we are called to spur one another on, enacting Christ’s mission on earth until His return.

May we expand the concept of this passage beyond the physical building by meeting people where they are and ministering to every need. 

For those in our orbit who represent many of the scenarios listed above; please know that you are seen and prayed for daily. 

While we may not completely understand, we hope you know that our arms are always open to help carry the load.