Hope That Soars

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As Michael W. Smith’s, Let it Rain played on YouTube, I was instantly taken back to the Summer of 2002. Ryan, my fiance’ at the time, was preparing for a two-year seminary program at Liberty University. Together with his parents, we made the five hour trip with belongings in tow and set out for Lynchburg, VA.

It was a weekend filled with arranging his apartment, sight-seeing, and circling job postings in the newspaper. We visited shopping centers and restaurants we didn’t have back home, hoping to make the most of the 48 hours we had before the ten-month separation prior to our wedding.

Sunday morning, we piled in the car to attend a local church before heading back to WV. Knowing it would be a difficult transition, Ryan’s dad suggested we go to lunch following services. Although it was a delicious meal, the mood was somber between the four of us anticipating what was about to come, as the clock counted down the minutes to our departure.

Ryan’s parents hugged him and retreated to the car allowing us a moment alone as our time for goodbye had finally arrived; his mom attempting to hide her tears behind sunglasses. As we shared our farewell, praying together through tear-stained cheeks, I remember pleading with the Lord to keep him safe and let this time go quickly.

Ryan stoically stood atop the brick steps of his apartment building, until the car was out of sight.

I chuckle now, remembering my talkative father-in-law having to deal with these two emotional women emptying a box of Kleenex, while quietly wiping away tears as he drove in complete silence. We made it nearly four hours into our journey back home before anyone spoke a word. The radio playing softly, matching the mood of the car until Michael W. Smith’s voice came across the speakers as we entered the West Virginia mountains.

As he uttered the words, LET it RAIN… the Heavens literally opened up and poured. As the song built the storm intensified, with lightning streaking the sky and thunder cracking loudly, to the spoken scripture in the background.

The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Clouds and thick darkness surround him;  righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all peoples see his glory. (Psalm 97:1-6, NIV)

As we drove further into the mountain, sheets of rain were coming down until finally near the end of the song, it suddenly stopped as we came into a clearing and saw a brilliant rainbow. The bright colors bouncing off of the rain-soaked windshield were truly captivating.

In those brief moments, God demonstrated his righteousness and we caught a glimpse of his majesty and glory.

The remainder of the ride took on an entirely different tone as we sat awestruck by our Creator. Although our hearts were heavy knowing the coming months would be difficult, we had a renewed sense of peace as we had witnessed God’s faithfulness, yet again in such a mighty way.

It was in those moments God allowed each of us to clearly see the promise of provision, He had already revealed to Ryan.

After we returned home, I went on to read the rest of the passage describing God’s faithfulness toward those who remain righteous in Him.

For you, Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods. Let those who
love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hands of the wicked. Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart. Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name. (Psalm 97:9-12)

Throughout the months leading up to our wedding, I witnessed God’s blessings in Ryan’s life by his simple act of obedience to His calling in ministry. His pursuit of Christ from the foundation of our marriage has led to an unshakable faith that overwhelms me daily as he humbly leads our home.

I encourage you to take a brief moment now dear reader and picture an area of your life where you need to catch a glimpse of God’s glory. What simple act of obedience or step of faith can you take today that will allow God an opportunity to shine brightly through you?

Is He calling you to let Him lead in your finances, marriage, parenting, or job perhaps? What light do you need Him to shine in your darkness to experience the fullness of His overwhelming joy?

Heavenly Father,

I pray you would open the flood gates of Heaven, allowing each of us to embrace the fullness of your power in our lives today. Father, I ask that in this very moment you would reveal an area in which you want to intervene on our behalf, moving mountains to draw us closer to you. Lord, we wait expectantly for You!

In Jesus Name,
