Hope That Soars

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You Alone…

Several summers ago, my dream of voicing a Disney princess, became a reality. 

Ok, not exactly, but I did sing to the various woodland creatures that found their way to our yard.

Their soothing presence served to enhance my daily worship.

One morning, as my hands perched above the piano keys, I looked out and saw a family of deer feasting on foliage. 

They simply wandered the hill, oblivious to my careful inspection.

That is, until our kitten pounced and startled their serenity.

All but one, took off in a sprint to the safety of the trees. 

The lone deer stood and locked eyes with the kitten and me. For nearly a minute, time stood still, before she gingerly walked back into the woods that surround our property.

As she moved slowly through the yard, I noticed her gait looked painful, as if she had injured her hind leg.

Now fully engrossed in my music, I played a few worship songs before landing on an older tune. 

With the creature in mind, a sense of urgency filled me as the notes rang out; as if I’d been assigned to usher the melody into the throne room of God.

As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you…

You alone are my strength and shield, to you alone, may my spirit yield,” I sang loudly.

The presence of that doe seemed to mirror my current state.

God’s fragile creation, limping gingerly through life.

How had I inadvertently allowed our circumstances obstruct my view?

While financial hardship threatened our security, I reverted to my flesh by becoming obsessed with creating a way out.

If only I can manipulate the outcome, peace will follow. 

As my hands ached from the repetition of the chorus, I broke down sobbing and the Lord swept calm over my spirit.

I am faithful, daughter. [1 Corinthians 1:9]

I will provide for your every need. [Philippians 4:19]

Fix your gaze back on me. [Hebrews 12:1-3]

In my timing, I will work all things together for your good. [Romans 8:28]

 Be still.” [Psalm 46:10]

Message received, Lord.

With my sinful pattern of control, once again released. Holy Spirit’s presence consumed me.

My soul yearned to be quenched; filled by the God who lovingly scripts our tomorrows.

I shouldn’t be surprised that nearly every time I inch toward grabbing the reins, overwhelmed by our reality…

along comes that beautiful doe, limping through our yard.

A gracious reminder of that summer morning, when God gently repositioned my gaze.

How is your heart posture, dear reader?

If like me, you struggle with control, and insist on taking back situations once they have been released…

May this simple message serve to remind you to position your heart to rest fully in God’s presence.

As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after you
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you

You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone will my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship you.