Hope That Soars

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Prepare the Way

Oh, Christmas…

the most wonderful time of the year.

The twinkling lights, the aroma of cinnamon wafting through the air. And don’t forget, those beautifully wrapped packages beneath a meticulously decorated tree.

This season is truly, “magical.”

Yet, for many, their seasonal preparation includes forging through with eyes downcast and hearts filled with longing.

The single parent… who wonders how they will possibly save enough to make this Christmas merry for the little ones.

The family… who, although, they sit surrounded by laughter and love, are consumed with grief because this year, chairs remain empty.

The child… who feels anxious about having to divide time between unhappy parents, in multiple homes.

The couple… who wonders how everything will come together, as they desperately feel the sting of financial instability.

The shut-in… who re-lives Christmas past but wonders if this year will include any such merriment.

The parents… who feel the need to become super-human as they juggle various holiday engagements, while striving to maintain tradition for their children.

Whew… who wouldn’t feel overwhelmed as the calendar counts down in that fashion.

A year filled with anticipation… and yet we never feel completely prepared for the season.

Consider the array of frenzy your family endures to capture a glimpse of that elusive “feeling of Christmas”.

What if perhaps instead of taking our cue from the to-do lists, busy schedules, and decorating — we guide our hearts toward preparing to receive God’s greatest gift…

His Son, Jesus.

As we read passages in the New Testament leading up to Christ’s birth, we find much preparation took place prior to this miraculous event. Luke 1

John the Baptist, son of Elizabeth and Zechariah, was born to fulfill a special assignment from God. He was given the task of preparing Israel for the coming ministry of Jesus Christ. Mathew 3

He confronted spiritual hypocrisy and hardness, instructing people to confess their sins and return to God.

Simply put, He was instructed to prepare the way for the coming Messiah.

As Christmas Day rapidly approaches, I invite you to join me in preparing the way for the Lord, in our homes.

Set aside time to take spiritual inventory, to account and seek forgiveness for our sins.

Then return with renewed connection to Jesus Christ.

All while waiting expectantly for the good things God has planned. Romans 8:28

Lord, in the midst of all the busyness of our holiday preparations, we ask that you help us find moments of quietness and reflection. Help us to take the time to prepare our hearts before you. Show us how we need to get ready for the good things you have planned for our future.

In Jesus’ name,
