Hope That Soars

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The “Teardrop”

As the hum of the lawnmower sliced through the blades, I fixed my eyes on the “teardrop...” a portion of grass surrounded by concrete that delineates the houses within our small culdesac.

Seated on the front porch, taking a break from planting flowers, is where I found myself watching my husband weave around the power-lines of the tiny patch.

My mind began to drift however, to much earlier days of my youth.  Years as a young girl when Saturday morning’s meant my sisters and I fighting over which chore we had to complete. 

Meanwhile, outside, dad managed the lawn care with much less drama. He spent hours trimming and mowing. What didn’t seem to register until much later in life was the teardrop. 

He faithfully completed that weekly task as if it was part of his to-do list.  It isn’t on our property, and to my knowledge, no one asked him to do it. But without question, the grass would be mowed to perfection.

Since moving into my childhood home six-years ago, Ryan demonstrates the same attention to detail when it comes to mowing, that my father exhibited.

During the spring and summer months, I can hear him whistling or singing praises for hours while he works not only our lawn but two others, in addition to the “teardrop.”

Not because he was asked to... but much like my father, Ryan simply CHOOSES to SERVE the Lord in EVERYTHING he does. 

So let me ask you dear reader,

What will you choose to do today that while it may go unnoticed by man, will be serving our Lord?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

(Colossians 3:23-24,NIV)