Hope That Soars

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He Has Made Things Well!

You know those moments in life when you have an instant connection with an animal and you just know it is going to be something special?

To be honest, I don’t... I am not really an animal person. But, I choose to love a man who is head over heels about cats and I can’t deny him such joy.

So, two months into marriage, I had the brilliant idea to purchase my new husband, a gift.

Yep, you guessed it, me, the lady whose eyes swell and begin sneezing and wheezing every time she touches the soft cuddly creatures, decided to buy a kitten. 

She was an extravagant purchase to be certain for a couple living off of wedding money and a part-time job. Wanting to keep it a surprise and to save myself from an intense allergic reaction, I asked the clerk to hold on to her until Ryan could pick her up after work.

I could barely contain my angst as we attempted to console our new addition in the midst of a torrential downpour on that hot July evening. Finally, home in our small one bedroom dwelling, we sat with her for hours acclimating to the bathroom. This was the space where our new bundle would remain until introductions could be made with our more seasoned housemate, (Tasha, our flat-faced Persian Ry had before we married, who barely tolerated my presence.)

Next came selecting a name. Ryan and I both, drawn to the “M” on her small forehead, ran through the list of suitable options landed on Maggie. 

And the rest is history...

For those who never saw the connection between Ryan and his Maggie girl, it is difficult to articulate. 

They were, in a word, INSEPARABLE.

She greeted him each morning and afternoon. And it was not just a normal how was your day? It was a wrap her paws around his neck and lick his ear for a good five minutes, kind of welcome.

When we had two vehicles, Maggie could differentiate between the two, she knew when it was him arriving home and would meet Ryan at the door.

If for some reason she didn’t naturally appear or was sound asleep, he simply started whistling the Jeopardy theme song and she came running.

If he was home for any length of time, Maggie was always laying in his lap or simply in Ryan’s presence.

She was a comfort in the most difficult trials of life and brought laughter and joy to our family.

We often joked that if Ryan passed on first, I was supposed to put Maggie in the coffin with him because she could not survive without him. 

Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to our sweet girl last summer, after seventeen years. She fought so hard for over a year and brought great comfort to Ryan through one of the most trying seasons he has ever endured. But the tumors grew too quickly and began obstructing her ability to breathe, so we knew it was our turn to bring her peace.

I was honestly a little surprised by my overwhelming sadness to Maggie’s passing because after all, she was Ryan’s cat. What struck me in the following weeks was what she taught me during her time here on earth.

God used this incredible creature to teach me how to love my husband unconditionally. 

Although we have a precious gift in our Rory, the sweet kitty we added to our family a few years prior to Maggie’s passing. Never again did I imagine seeing that unique connection shared between Ryan and another animal. 

That is, until my dear friend from college posted about needing homes for kittens. We both dismissed it pretty quickly because our life is completely unpredictable. However, when the last one needing a home was the one we both secretly liked, Ryan sent an impulsive Facebook message and the bundle of fur was ours.

Weeks passed and I was apprehensive about adding more to our plate. The day prior to her planned arrival, Ryan informed me he had to work late. I didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary until I heard the sound of a small cry coming from downstairs.

He had retrieved our new kitten early. 

She was absolutely precious and once the shock of his surprise wore off, I began studying their interaction.

It was as if I’d been given a front row seat to watch as God had done it again. Her demeanor and gentle response toward my incredible husband was nothing short of astonishing. 

As the evening continued, the tears began to cloud my view as I was transported to 18 years earlier when my new groom met his most treasured companion.

Through the generosity of this precious family, Ryan and sweet Ezri Mae are continuing the lessons of unconditional love that our Maggie girl began so long ago.

Thank you, Lord, for the gifts and lessons you provide through your glorious creation!

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.

He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well.

Cecil Frances Alexander