Hope That Soars

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During a recent study of Psalm 91, the image of my youngest niece served as a beautiful picture of being safeguarded alongside those we trust.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty”. (Psalm 91:1)

Nearly every holiday, or family gathering with our youngest favorites includes a game of hide and seek.

We take turns counting loudly while the others scurry to find their hiding spot.

The challenge with modern, open concept homes is that tucking yourself away in a confined space is close to impossible.

Nevertheless, we scout “new” locations every round.

It always amuses me that our niece, unless selected to count, can be found within inches of an adult.

This is especially true when the game is played in the dark.

Her eagerness to feel companionship and security is ever present.

This strategy, while adorable, is rarely fruitful for the overly competitive among our crew. 

It does, however, serve a more important purpose of making her feel safe.

Shelter and security are the key images Psalm 91:1 is illustrating.

God is offering us more than protection; He personally invites us to step into His dwelling place shadowed by His presence.

I am sure you can think of something or someone that represents security to you. 

I have a vivid childhood memory of being protected while swimming with my cousins in a river. Unbeknownst to me, the rock we chose to jump from included a current that swept swiftly underneath. 

Not the strongest swimmer in the bunch, I found myself suddenly sucked below the rock unable to surface.

As quickly as panic set in, strong arms came to my rescue… Someone pulled me from danger, into safety.

As the minutes passed, a sense of calm replaced the fear as my uncle remained a fixed presence by my side.

Our Heavenly Father has such a place in His arms with the power to protect us from the raging waters in the world around us. 

Verse one details an action, reaction scenario-a condition we must accept before receiving the promise that follows.

He does this to show that our obedience must come first. 

In order to abide in the shadow of the Almighty, we must choose to dwell in the shelter of the Most High.

Our first step to dwelling in His shelter involves establishing a relationship with God the Father.

Just like any other thriving relationship, our personal interaction with God can only be achieved through intentional effort. 

Dwelling in God requires interaction, communication, time, and trust. This means we need to get to know Him and discover the truth of His word, the Bible. 

In addition, our interaction includes prayer, telling God the everyday, nitty gritty of our lives, then listening quietly to the voice of His Holy Spirit.

As this relationship develops, we soon begin experiencing the promise outlined in the second half of the verse.

…”will abide in the shadow

of the Almighty.”

Or as some translations read: “will rest in the shadow...”

The psalmist refers here to the "shadow" of God. In literal terms, a shadow provides little protection, itself. 

This imagery, however, is of someone who is close enough, and protected enough, that the shadow of their protector is on them.

Just like the security experienced by my young niece, and in the midst of my swimming ordeal; we too can share in that protection with our Heavenly Father.

We can remain confident in His promise to provide protection in every circumstance. 

To be our place of shelter inside every storm.

Check out these passages below for more on God’s role as our shadow.

Psalm 36:7, Psalm 121:5, Psalm 63:7, Psalm 61:4, Isaiah 32:2, Psalm 18:2, Proverbs 30:5, Psalm 119:114