
Our Story...

Welcome to Hope That Soars, where together, with my husband Ryan, we navigate the messiness of life by pointing people to the HOPE found in a relationship with Jesus.
Our journey is filled with heartache and the daily struggle of chronic illness, scripted by a loving Creator.
It is through Him we find LOVE, JOY, and STRENGTH to press forward.

I pray you will join us as we share life lessons gained through mishap, adventures, and everything in between. Perhaps somewhere along the way, you too will find, a HOPE that SOARS!

The Gift

The Gift

Have you ever received an incredibly special gift? One that you recall every detail of its presentation, your response, and the blessings that followed…

For nearly three decades, I have been on the receiving end of some pretty spectacular presents. My husband has a knack when it comes to gift giving. He listens well and chooses treasures that recipients are guaranteed to cherish. 

His one endearing flaw, if you could even call it a flaw… he has a difficult time waiting to give said treasures. Until recently, he forced himself to hand off items to be hidden, to ensure he kept the surprise. 

On one occasion however, his excitement could not be contained and not only was I on the receiving end of this particular gift-

But its presence required me to make a life-changing decision.

In our dating era, it was common for Ryan and me to schedule plans between classes. 

On a sweltering day in August, at the start of our junior year, he suggested a lunch date before resuming our studies. 

As I jumped in his car, I began rambling about my inability to grasp music theory. Not even a minute passed as Ryan pulled off the main drive into a parking space behind the college.

I stopped my tirade and looked at him quizzically, “what are you doing, I thought we were heading to lunch,” I questioned.

“We are, but I need to give you something first,” he began.

Although I don’t recall much of what he said, I froze in place when he pulled out a small package.

“Open it,” he instructed.

As I slid the box open, my eyes fell to the most beautiful sapphire ring I have ever seen. 

“Will you marry me?” he asked on a nervous exhale.

I could barely register the question and am not entirely sure if I uttered a response before he pulled out the paperwork and began detailing the steps for maintaining the warranty.

“You have to take it every six months for cleaning and to have the stones checked,” he was saying when I tuned back in. 

Obviously my answer was yes, as we’ve been happily married for nearly twenty-one years.

Nevertheless, we can’t help but chuckle when we recount that day.

Years later while Ryan was sharing his sermon preparation with me, our proposal story came to mind.

When in the front seat of his maroon taurus, parked in a gravel lot, overlooking an empty field, I made a choice that forever changed the course of my life.

The sermon topic covered salvation through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.  I couldn’t help thinking of a rudimentary correlation between my beloved’s proposal and acceptance of God’s greatest gift.

Ryan’s offer of marriage was a gift that in order to receive, I had to first accept. With limited understanding of the journey before me, in those moments I was given a choice.

A choice to formally acknowledge our commitment to creating a new life together…

I didn’t work to earn this gift and Ryan couldn’t make the choice for me.

Once offered, it was mine to reject or accept. 

Although my acceptance of Ryan’s proposal may not directly impact my eternal existence, it did cause me to pause and reflect.

A reflection that landed on God’s gift for all mankind, an offer freely given by a loving Savior. 

We did nothing to earn or deserve salvation, and the choice made in the moment of acceptance, not only affects our life’s journey but, eternity. 

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Ephesians, 2:8, ESV

Salvation is a gift from God.

"Salvation is from our side a choice, from the divine side it is a seizing upon, an apprehending, a conquest by the Most High God. Our 'accepting' and 'willing' are reactions rather than actions. The right of determination must always remain with God." ~ A.W. Tozer

In the beginning… God desired a relationship with his creation. Rather than making robots whose response could be programmed;

He gave us free-will, the ability to choose.

A yes to Christ’s offer of salvation does not simply mean an escape from Hell, nor does it guarantee smooth sailing in this life. 

Following Christ requires sacrifice, denying self and taking up our cross daily. 

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me[believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].”

Matthew 16:24, AMP

Additionally, becoming a Christ follower is recognizing that apart from Him we are nothing, but with Him, we have everything! 

Do you recall the moment you accepted that free gift, dear reader? 

For me, it took place at the age of fourteen, on a carpeted floor, during a Christian concert hosted by our church.

At that moment, I recognized that merely striving to be “good” was not enough. 

I desperately needed the abundant life Jesus promised and the hope that His gift of salvation secured. 

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10, ESV

If you have not yet experienced that moment of acceptance and want to know more, I would be honored to talk with you about the greatest gift you will ever receive.

Heavenly Father, I lift up every precious reader and thank you for placing these words before them today. Spark within them a desire to know you completely. May they know for certain that they’ve received the hope you offer through Christ’s sacrifice.

In Jesus name,


All about You…

All about You…

Hello, My Name is…

Hello, My Name is…