
Our Story...

Welcome to Hope That Soars, where together, with my husband Ryan, we navigate the messiness of life by pointing people to the HOPE found in a relationship with Jesus.
Our journey is filled with heartache and the daily struggle of chronic illness, scripted by a loving Creator.
It is through Him we find LOVE, JOY, and STRENGTH to press forward.

I pray you will join us as we share life lessons gained through mishap, adventures, and everything in between. Perhaps somewhere along the way, you too will find, a HOPE that SOARS!

The Old is Gone…

The Old is Gone…

Have the words of others ever threatened to take root in your heart?

Despite your best efforts to focus on the positive, or forgive and forget…

some words become fixed deep within your soul; used later by Satan to taunt you, in your lowest moments.

If you’ve read my about page, you know until several years ago, I allowed fear to run the show.

Rejection and negative words spoken to and about me, kept me stagnant and glued to whatever felt safe.

After incorrectly answering a question, a teacher called me stupid, in front of the class.

Once confronted by the impact of her words, she immediately dismissed me. She later went on to state that my intelligence and inability to fit in with my peers could be related to my size.

Let’s just say, those are words an impressionable seventh-grader doesn’t soon forget.

While I no longer subscribe to her narrative; I can see how these and similar comments throughout adolescence shaped my internal chatter.

Regardless of her intention, or my ability to forget, the damage was done.

I had somehow been deemed unworthy based on the way one person perceived me.

Oh dear friends, if that has been your experience, may I share a bit of insight?

Wisdom gained through scripture study and Holy Spirit influence…

People often form judgments of us based on their limited perception.

And that perception dictates their reality.

How do we combat these negative descriptors with a growth mindset?

Learn to sift the fixed messaging by reframing it with potential growth in mind.

  • Fixed: I didn’t answer a question correctly, therefore, I am stupid.

  • Growth: I may need to work a little harder to grasp new concepts.

  • Fixed: I am limited and unworthy due to my size.

  • Growth: My size doesn’t define me, however, I can continue taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle.

  • Fixed: I am awkward and can’t make friends.

  • Growth: I have to step outside my comfort zone, because I have something valuable to contribute to those around me.

With practice, we can alter the focus of the message from definitive character flaws, to possible areas of improvement.

Thereby establishing a growth mindset that becomes second nature.

Additionally, a growth mindset is imperative for anyone seeking to live a lifestyle of worship.

While it’s true, God loves us completely, as Christ followers, we are called to be transformed.

Removing the old sinful nature by pursuing Christ-likeness.

An ongoing process made complete by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us…

…”Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

(2 Corinthians 5:14-17, NLT)

Although the perception of others can potentially create havoc in our spirit, may we never become root-bound by their words…

Instead, we need to evaluate their message, and sift for truth that aligns with God’s word.

Want to dive a little deeper? Commit these passages to memory, so together, we can pursue abundant life in Jesus.

Romans 12:2, Ezekiel 36:26, Philippians 1:6, Luke 6:43-45, Psalm 139:23-24, Jeremiah 32:38-40

You Alone…

You Alone…

The Letter

The Letter