All in The Story of Us

Love Persevering..

For weeks, I had been trudging through, as familiar emotions bubbled beneath the surface.

I had walked this road before; in fact, this road was worn and muddy.

A path we have traveled for a decade.

Until those words were uttered, I was fairly certain I had gained complete control over this area.

Nevertheless, when I scrolled aimlessly through social media, my throat clenched as images raced before me.

Glimpse of Grace

As I’ve shared in previous posts, our “favorites”are everything to us.

But when God chose to bring this one into our midst, I was captivated.

Perhaps in those early days, I pictured my own babies while catching a glimpse of her chubby cheeks and bright eyes.

Or maybe it was the way she adored her Uncle Ry Ry.