
Our Story...

Welcome to Hope That Soars, where together, with my husband Ryan, we navigate the messiness of life by pointing people to the HOPE found in a relationship with Jesus.
Our journey is filled with heartache and the daily struggle of chronic illness, scripted by a loving Creator.
It is through Him we find LOVE, JOY, and STRENGTH to press forward.

I pray you will join us as we share life lessons gained through mishap, adventures, and everything in between. Perhaps somewhere along the way, you too will find, a HOPE that SOARS!

Coming Alongside…

Coming Alongside…

A five-year-old social media memory popped up and with it, a plethora of emotions. Thankfully, much healing and growth have taken place since that time as the Holy Spirit continues to minister.

Until that very moment, my ability to empathize with others through similar trauma was non-existent.

I was quick to defend, bow poised, ready with “Christianize” to distract from the gut-wrenching turmoil people were facing.

The issues of bullying, gaslighting, discrimination, hurt, and trauma are not exempt from the church.

In fact, this very topic has led to an entire movement sweeping our culture.

A massive overhaul of re-defining beliefs, and a basic deconstruction from religion.

Generally speaking, people don’t walk away from God because of Him, alone - rather it is most notably tied to an encounter with His people.

Those who claim Christ on Sunday, while brutally destroying His message through their actions the other six days of the week.

This quote spoken by a nineteenth century historian, still rings true today.

'”Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” ~Lord Aton

We have visited numerous religious institutions throughout the country in recent years, and many of them are navigating the effects of this corruption.

The wounds carried by believers and nonbelievers alike run deeply. Therefore, require attention before the message of the gospel can take root.

Healing the gaping wounds left by church hurt is messy!


It is being awakened regularly by nightmares, managing crippling anxiety in public; while simultaneously untangling your identity from the rumors spoken in hushed tones.

Why would someone ever consider any part of what believers have to offer, when the walls are crumbling from within.

I am certain this is not what God had in mind for His bride.

It surely does not resemble the abundant life promised in His word. John 10:10

If you are currently in the valley, please know that healing, forgiveness, and growth are possible.

Seeing beautiful again can be your reality.

Our prayer for the better part of five years…

Lord, help us be part of the change. Spark within us the ability to create effective accountability - a structure in which ‘absolute power,’ is eliminated.

Allow us to be a reflection of Your Son, Jesus, as we squelch Satan’s plan for division and chaos. Less of us, Lord, more of You!”

Although our lives are forever altered by those painful experiences; we can attest to the hope made possible by remaining faithful.

Our reality not only sparked a deeper dependence on Jesus, but it has led us to some pretty incredible blessings that we never imagined.

To anyone untangling themselves from this mess, you are seen.

To anyone questioning God’s purpose in the midst of the chaos, you are loved.

To anyone seeing glimpses of beauty peaking through to the other-side, you are celebrated!

Join me in lifting up God’s people, dear reader, and all who choose to journey alongside those navigating deep wounds.



One in Eight

One in Eight