
Our Story...

Welcome to Hope That Soars, where together, with my husband Ryan, we navigate the messiness of life by pointing people to the HOPE found in a relationship with Jesus.
Our journey is filled with heartache and the daily struggle of chronic illness, scripted by a loving Creator.
It is through Him we find LOVE, JOY, and STRENGTH to press forward.

I pray you will join us as we share life lessons gained through mishap, adventures, and everything in between. Perhaps somewhere along the way, you too will find, a HOPE that SOARS!




The exact number of stairs, connecting one landing to the next, in our home.

My clever husband calculated each step, so he could navigate them in the dark.

I, on the other hand, will look to see where the final step lands, as I religiously count to seven.

EVERY time!

Now, here is the laughable part… the home where we currently reside is the one in which I was raised.

Nevertheless, I always look.

Call it control, fear, or merely caution due to my clumsy nature - I can’t seem to move forward, even when I know the end result.

The image of my awkward stair encounters come to mind when I think about exercising faith in God.

Faith, that He will make a way out of an impossible situation.

Faith, that He will heal the brokenness.

Faith, that He alone is in control.

I can’t see the next step, therefore, it must not exist.

Sometimes it feels, impossible.

But here is the thing…. I serve the God of the “impossible.”

And if there was ever a person in history who modeled faith through the impossible, it was Mary, the mother of Jesus..

Luke 1:26-56

After having received the angel’s message that she would carry the Christ-child, Mary shared the story with her relative, Elizabeth.

Luke 1:45 includes a portion of Elizabeth’s reaction to Mary’s announcement. “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”

Elizabeth was overwhelmingly intrigued by Mary’s faith. She recognized that the only way Mary could complete God’s plan was to have a relentless, unflappable, and immovable faith.

A faith of such conviction, that it would sustain her through the journey. Mary’s faith, yielded the courage and strength required to submit to God’s will.

She trusted that, God would do what He had promised. She believed that, although her path may be filled with uncertainty -God would guide her through.

She believed!

Just as God had a plan for Mary’s life, I am certain He has a plan and purpose for us also. He longs to form within us the character of Jesus Christ.

A character committed to sharing His message of HOPE, with a world so desperately in need.

Just as Mary had to exercise faith to complete her God-given mission, so do we. We must recognize God’s promises, no matter what our circumstances say.

We must be confident that God is able to do in us and through us what appears impossible to us.

“The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”Luke 18:27

Would you join me this Christmas in focusing our attention on faith? May Mary’s journey inspire you, dear reader, to believe that God can and will do the impossible in and through you.

Lord, there are times when we give in to unbelief. Instead of believing that you can and will do the impossible in and through us, we are swimming in doubt.

Forgive us for our failure to believe. Forgive us for our tendency to look at our personal circumstances and inadequacies rather than trust in your infallible Word. This Christmas build within us a desire to stretch our faith.

In Jesus’ name,


Glimpse of Grace

Glimpse of Grace

Prepare the Way

Prepare the Way