All about You…

Interesting comments I received during my season of leading corporate worship…

“I didn’t really like worship today.”

“Worship was way too long.”

“Hymns are boring, do we have to sing so many?”

“My ears are still ringing from the volume of that guitar.”

Or the one that still baffles me…

The Gift

For nearly three decades, I have been on the receiving end of some pretty spectacular presents. My husband has a knack when it comes to gift giving. He listens well and chooses treasures that recipients are guaranteed to cherish.

His one endearing flaw, if you could even call it a flaw… he has a difficult time waiting to give said treasures. Until recently, he forced himself to hand off items to be hidden, to ensure he kept the surprise.

On one occasion however, his excitement could not be contained and not only was I on the receiving end of this particular gift-

Hello, My Name is…

I have always been fascinated to learn the origin of people’s names.

Do they share the name of a beloved family member? Or, perhaps they’ve been named after a place of great significance.

Do they respond to a nickname or maybe they’ve instructed loved ones to call them by their given name.

What’s in Your Lunch?

Our home, now a cluttered mess, whereas a week ago, it was filled with smells of baked goods and squeals of laughter. The feelings of Christmas permeated the emptiness.

I felt physically exhausted, however, I couldn’t help the mental task list that formed.

Control… I needed to gain a semblance of order.