Hope That Soars (Part 2)

I found myself questioning my purpose because as each day passed I was having to “let go” of responsibility, no longer able to fulfill previous roles within vocational ministry. Yet, I would paste a smile on my face, no matter how badly I felt, telling others I was “FINE.” To most of the outside world, I look “fine,” that is until they see me unconscious on the floor, or being wheeled out in a rush to make sure I stay safe.

His PERFECT plan

So, if a child never calls me “Mommy,” this side of eternity, I can freely lay aside those feelings of shame and embarrassment. It doesn’t mean I am a failure or any less of a woman. It simply means, God’s plan, His PERFECT plan, is far greater than anything my heart could have imagined.


As I listened to these profound lyrics, I realized that the truth of the matter is, my identity is first and foremost as a “Child of God” and no amount of titles given to me by this world will EVER change that fact.