One in Eight

“He said multiply, I want to fill the earth with a lot more people like you…”

The lyric from the song, God Likes People, one I learned as a young girl, echoed on repeat in my mind, as we tread the rugged path.

A journey that many couples encounter but few discuss openly.

Infertility, and miscarriage is an experience filled with longing, hope, and heartbreak with a little bitterness, anger, and shame thrown in the mix.

It Became Real

Sleep on that flight was elusive, so upon landing in Tel Aviv, I felt miserable - combine that with motion sickness sustained on the bus… I was a wreck by the time we arrived at our hotel.

Nevertheless, a shower, followed by a good night’s sleep worked wonders to improve my physical distress.

Armed with a positive attitude and a pocket full of Dramamine, I boarded the bus the following morning, determined to make the most of this experience.