Glimpse of Grace

As I’ve shared in previous posts, our “favorites”are everything to us.

But when God chose to bring this one into our midst, I was captivated.

Perhaps in those early days, I pictured my own babies while catching a glimpse of her chubby cheeks and bright eyes.

Or maybe it was the way she adored her Uncle Ry Ry.


The image of my awkward stair encounters come to mind when I think about exercising faith in God.

Faith, that He will make a way out of an impossible situation.

Faith, that He will heal the brokenness.

Faith, that He alone is in control.

I can’t see the next step, therefore, it must not exist.

Prepare the Way

A year filled with anticipation… and yet we never feel completely prepared for the season.

Consider the array of frenzy your family endures to capture a glimpse of that elusive “feeling of Christmas”…